something that pissed me off about that show is that the society was so class and race based but somehow this didnt apply to the upper echelons of power, which was multi racial and multi cultural and multi species. they even went as far as to give the black people british accents. if this shit was being realistic we all know it would have been nothing but white men in power, making all the decisions, and all the characters in the show who are PoC or gay or whatever would be living down in the sewers
it just makes zero sense for world building that such a bigoted society would look like that
i had the same problem with handmaid’s tale too. you know those mfs would have been white supremacists. its not woke to erase that fact in these stories and fill spots with minorities that make no sense. woke would be depicting the actual prejudice and racism of societies like this, because without prejudice and racism those societies couldnt exist