I can't imagine trying to gamble on individual stocks. Just toss some cash in an index fund and peace out for a decade
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Real bogleheads know
Comrade Bogle socializing capital
But my apes!!! To the moooon?!
yup, it's what your bank is probably doing so if it goes to shit at least it would be going to shit everywhere else you could've put your money too
This is the way to go to realistically not just lose all your money, but doing otherwise is tempting when you can see people on Wallstreetbets who made hundreds of thousands of dollars off this specific event with a relatively low buy-in (which could be someone else's entire life savings).
It's a difference of wanting/needing money now vs. 40 years from now. Like yeah, my retirement account will be nice to have later, but if I could have 200k (or whatever amount) right now, I'd be way happier and in a better living situation for the next 40 years instead of miserable until then.
And if you're the lucky one, that 200k can come from a single 2k bet.
And if you're the lucky one
This is how I stop myself from stock gambling. I know I am not the lucky one
The glue that's holding the economy together is 3M
It is fun to gamble a little now and then. I bought about $10 in nvidia stock (like 8% of a share lol) this morning and managed to nail the lowest point today so far. Is it thrilling to watch my $10 become $10.66 as the market possibly recovers? Yes, it's great!
Will I be sad if the market suddenly collapses and my "investment" is only worth $5? or $0? No, because I had fun on the ride (and maybe it'll go back up later, who knows).
Never gamble with what you can't afford to lose.
I didn't think I've ever had a spare thousand to flush down the toilet let alone any amount that would reasonably be worth losing access to for like 10% returns.
Did you actually buy Nvidia?
No, but I'm soon getting in a position where I am able to save up money and I've been told I should invest some of what I save
Smart, congrats on getting your head above water!
Thank you ♥️
I would not touch any of the tech companies that are into AI right now, you're risking a falling knife situation
Way too high volume, way too many eyes right now; stuff's volatile beyond belief
I used AI to generate an AI ape to ask where I should invest. Now I own 300 shares of Banana Inc.
tbf it's about the same level of investing advice I'd give too.
Can I interest you in some monley jpegs?
Nvidia is up nearly 7% today so actually that would've been a decent purchase this morning. In the long run who knows, but a fair gamble there that yesterday's dip was maybe an overreaction (or, more importantly, would be seen as such)
Buying magical beans so you can have some beans once everyone stops believing in the magic.
In the old days before crypto there was a rule on ebay that you could only sell physical items and any digital thing could only be a sweetener for a physical good being sold (eg: buy this device and I'll email you this software). This ofc resulted in digital goods being sold with a token physical item so you might see for instance a keyring for $40 with a bonus windows OEM license. If that license didn't end up working I'm sure you would take solace in that you still have your $40 keyring though.