My favorite is a really minimal Gnome on Debian:
- Launch Debian Expert Installer
- Deselect all software packs except "Standard Sytem Utilities"
- Install and reboot
- Install cups, flatpak, fonts-recommended, gdm3 (this pulls in the barest minimum of Gnome), gnome-console, nautilus, network-manager-gnome
- Uninstall gnome-browser-connector, gnome-shell-extension-prefs, im-config, yelp (which were pulled in as recommendations)
- Remove configured network interface from /etc/network/interfaces and reboot
This gives me a Gnome shell with no visible GUI apps in the menu, except for the settings, terminal, file manager and network manager.
Now I fill up my hard drive with FlatPaks ;)
I prefer Gnome cause it has fewer options, the overview works really well on a notebook with touchpad, and I like that it is more unique.