So far it's not perfect yet, but I already switched to it. Very nice.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Additional features include AI chatbot integration
su root -c 'find / \( -iname mozilla -o -iname firefox \) -delete'
optional ai chatbot integration, its opt-in
Oh great so techbro garbage is bloating up my install instead; much better
It is like 2 megabytes, it just embeds a webpage
2 megabytes too many ;)
Have you considered other people might want the feature?
If Mozilla is going to spend time and money and employee effort on this project, then they can just ship it as an optional extension instead of forcing users to install it by default.
Otherwise, you're just advocating for bloat. And at that point, I have to ask: what is your cutoff point for how much bloat is too much? Can they inject the 10 most popular add-ons on the marketplace? How about the 100 most popular? 1000?