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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Thorninmyside24-7 on 2024-07-18 02:29:22+00:00.
I’m a SAHM. Well, mostly. I work 8 hours a week, 4 hours 2/week, I homeschool our children, run a podcast, and having a baking business. (Baking brings in 20% of our income, and my 8 hours / week brings in 15% of it.) I didn’t want to leave my full time job, but my husband insisted for our family. Our house is swept every night, food put away, dishes in the dishwasher, and laundry in the washing machine started. Laundry is moved to the dryer in the mornings, then immediately put away. I can’t stand clutter. My husband works from home, but rarely contributes to anything household wise, as that’s “my job”. I love and adore my kids, and very rarely ask for his help anyway. I prefer to just keep peace and not make an issue if it’s working. Now to the problem. Yesterday, I had a busy morning of making breakfast for my kids before running out of the house to work. I didn’t get to move the laundry to the dryer before running out. My husband was angry when I got home because he stuck his hand in jelly on the countertop. (Jelly was from the toast.) He was also mad he couldn’t find the polo he wanted to wear today (he has dozens of them hung in his closet, but the one he wanted to wear was in the dryer). He told me I needed to clear the countertops and make sure there’s nothing left on them. Then he went into his office. I looked at the countertop and the only things on it, aside from jelly globs and sugar, was my reusable Aldi bags, his coffee cup (full), and the panini I made him for lunch. I put the Aldi bags away, poured his coffee out, washed and put away his cup, ate the panini, washed and put away the plate, and cleaned the countertops. Imagine his face when he walked back in twenty minutes later to get his coffee and panini and there wasn’t anything there. I said to him, “What’s the matter? You told me to clear the countertop.” Then I went outside for a walk with my youngest two kids.