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The original was posted on /r/jailbreak by /u/JustAJailbreaker on 2024-06-02 02:08:23+00:00.
PSA EDIT: SnapChat has now been detected (My crane tweak by opa is now not working after update and I’m probably going to have to downgrade the app now)
EDIT 2: You can use AppStore++ to downgrade your apps that have detected jailbreak (such as banking apps these have had the most issues since like forever lol) not sure how long you’ll be able to get away with that tho as eventually they may require you to update them or it won’t let you use it
Edit 3: on Crane topic not working for Snapchat it seems my package was bugged? Had to reinstall Crane as it wasn’t working for any of my apps but after reinstall it works fine now so I’m not sure what that was about!
Edit 4: Most of y’all are having issues with your banking apps detecting jailbreak. I’m going to attempt to work on patching them with Flex 3 please be patient it may take some time.
Documents by Readdle has detected jailbreak on my 13 Pro Max running Dopamine 2.0 on iOS 16.0.2 just to let y’all know seems like app devs are finally catching on with the jailbreak (I’m sure there’s more apps that detect it now however I haven’t been really updating my apps that much) if you need to hide JB detection for your apps go ahead and install Choicy by opa334. Have a great night, and happy Jailbreaking!!