That's right folks the year is drawing to a close so it's time to rehash last year's bit, nominate, and vote for your 2024 Hexies! These are the Hexbears you think exemplify what it means to be a real Hexbear 
Here's how it works:
Pick from the below categories
Nominate someone for that category by tagging them
If you are nominated respond to the nomination to accept it
Most upbeared accepted nomination in each category wins!
What do you win? The esteem of your fellow Hexbearian comrades of course. What more could you want?
The categories for this year's 2024 Hexie awards are:
Best Effortposter of 2024
Most likely to be called a tankie on a blocked instance
Most comradely Hexbear
This year we have a special bonus category to commemorate some of the new comms we added:
- Best bad poster (this is not the worst poster, this is the best poster that is bad at posting)
We got a lot of new posters this year and have a lot of great comrades visiting from federated instances, feel free to participate too! We love all of our great posters, don't we folks?
Alright comrades that's it from me, be sure and do your democratic duty and
for your 2024 Hexie winners and congrats in advance to the winners of this highly coveted and prestigious award!
And for one small trip down memory lane, here's last year's Hexies!
This bit was fun last year so I hope folks enjoy doing this bit again this year too, as a bit though
spoiler spoiler
Has anything meaningfully changed with the edited version? Obviously the title is different, but other discussions make it seem like it’s actually good and her points are being misrepresented. I do not wish to watch it
It was just really tone deaf and disrespectful ultimately, there was something in it about how IDF members are drafted so it's not really their fault for having served, clearly ignoring that you can just choose not to be an IDF member and do the relatively short prison sentence, in regards to her saying people shouldn't be boycotting some IDF soldier. I don't have the heart to watch whatever changes were made, I doubt they were transformative though given the original.
Eye roll emoji, that Taylor swift Stan was the biggest win against this argument because she went to prison, had weed edibles and gay sex, and left! Easy! No participation in genocide!
Worked with a dude who was born in Israel, he's cool as hell and left as Doom as he could. He ended out getting a park ranger gig for his military service and decided to do it instead of go to jail cause at the time he figured he wasn't going to be doing any personal harm and jail seemed scary. He regrets it now for not doing the time out of principle. So yeah, ex IDF guy has told said he was a coward for signing up but those who willingly join are the greatest cowards
Didn't the Swiftie who said no to IDF service only get like two years or something? I've got kin that'd call that an overnight stay