People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set.
A "Showerthought" is a simple term used to describe the thoughts that pop into your head while you're doing everyday things like taking a shower, driving, or just daydreaming. A showerthought should offer a unique perspective on an ordinary part of life.
I mean you can still find a CRT today and turn it on if you like, they're less common for sure, but they're still around if you're looking for one
Kids born after 2000 aren’t looking for one
Well that's a lie, I know an early 20 year old who's into retro games and has definitely been to an arcade with CRTs in the past year or so. It's not a stretch to imagine he's seen static on one
i know i am.
I had three different ones growing up. The first 2 were black and white and the last one was color. All found on the side of the road.
I find one every once in a while, on the side oft the road aswell, unfortunately some idiot usually sprayed graffiti on it for some dumbass Instagram post, or I have no room at my place ATM.
Dude I'd kill for the opportunity to get my hands on a half-decent CRT
You'd be surprised, some people born in the 2000s want them for the retro factor now
CRTs are popular with people who have retro games consoles.
They're surprisingly difficult to acquire though. Big, heavy and either very expensive or free.