Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
Welcome to Lemmygrad's corner dedicated to anime memes and discussion! (manga/manhua/manhwa/donghua/aeni count too)
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Try to keep it left; memes don't need to be socialist in nature, but it'd be nice if we could keep the discussions that way.
Posts do not necessarily need to be about anime memes, they can also be about other things related to anime, or having an 'anime' art style.
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There's nothing else for now. We hope you have a great time!
Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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The contradictory impulse of wanting to understand and love people while simultaneously being scared of them understanding you. Essentially, the hedgehog dilemma. Each of the characters wants to love and be loved. They want genuine human connection. But they're also terrified of being rejected by others or being abandoned. AT fields, the energy shield thing, are literally "Absolute Terror" fields that exist to prevent people from getting close to you. Angels just have a beefed up version that can block physical matter rather than just emotions.
The last few episodes get metaphorical but essentially the message is "Start with loving yourself." Everything with the mechs and angels is cool but not really relevant to the meaning of the series.