Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
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Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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In no order:
One piece - I'm a manga reader but I'll tune into the anime for emotional parts. I've been a fan of this for about 23 years now. I always recommend the manga over the anime though.
Chainsaw man - I'm a manga reader, I loved seeing it animated, but I think they sort of messed up releasing only 1/3rd of the first arc for season 1. If they finished the first arc in season 1 I bet it would be in everybody's top 10. I always recommend that everybody just read it.
Haibane Renmei - this is a real piece of art. This is a cozy slow burn with a real emotional wallop for people in a certain headspace. This one genuinely made me a better person.
Serial experiments lain - hard to explain without spoiling it. Super good, super 90's. Amazing vibe that I don't think any others have gotten close to replicating.
Mob Psycho 100 - about a psychic boy and his conman father figure. feel good with a good message and a good boy. The characters are fantastic and the animation can get really crazy good. It has some of the best animation I've ever seen. It has a lot of genuine emotion put into it.
Frieren - about an near-immortal elf after the journey has already ended. this one is still airing, but I'm loving it. I like the chill vibe and interesting story. I love how emotionally mature it feels. I'm not a fan of over the top anime emotions and enjoy how down to earth and realistic these characters act.
Restaurant to another world - I like watching fantasy people/creatures eat and enjoy our foods.
Akira - although the movie is about 1/3rd of the story with the ending slapped on, it's still very fun to look at. I wish they had given this story a trilogy of 3x 3 hour movies instead of cutting out characters and only covering the beginning of a wild story. I always recommend people read the manga.
Made in abyss - the author is a weird pedophile but the story and world are so intriguing. It makes me feel dirty watching it but I need to know what's at the bottom of that damn hole. I've been reading it as well and that just makes me feel even dirtier.
Outlaw Star - A rogue with a gun that shoots magic bullets and his weird crew vs a magical taoist space pirate and his weird crew vs. Cyborg brothers all after the greatest treasure in the universe. Its a weird mashup of themes and genres and somehow it all works.
I'm primarily a manga reader and actually watch very little anime. Making that list was actually pretty difficult and my list for favorite manga would be pretty different.