Even worse, I think I'm part of that number because I've unsuccessfully tried to delete my Facebook Account three times now. But every time I check in to make sure it's finally been deleted, it's still there. I'm at the brink of suing them for a GDPR violation at this point. F*ck Facebook!
People like you make me want that feature where you can't see replies with more than 10 downvotes over upvotes. God, I lost so many braincells reading about your idiotic opinions and your inability to accept reality...
I assumed you meant the entire quoted paragraph including the part about the EU. Therefore my bad.
Nothing. I just live in the EU and am very happy about that fact. ¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯
Not for me :)
Honestly, there's nothing uplifting about this and as a European I'm appalled by how such things as child debt can even exist in a country that claims to be "the best country in the entire world". Classic Murrica...
Do they know that they can hire shepherds to mow it for them? It's quite cheap and a lot more environmentally friendly!
I thought Germany has had this for over a decade now. Or am I being mistaken?