It's saving grace was that we got BC as one of the most fun and interesting characters in Marvel vs Capcom 3.
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It's saving grace was that we got BC as one of the most fun and interesting characters in Marvel vs Capcom 3.
I don’t think so. Bionic Command: Re-Armed 1 & 2 came out around the same time. The first beforehand and the second afterwards.
That’s why the franchise ain’t entirely dead.
Yooka-Laylee is pretty good.
This wasn’t well received?
No, a whole lot of loud people on YouTube and Reddit basically complained about it.
I didn't play it when it came out, but playing it years later it fits the classic B game of the 2000s. Some alien or high tech gone wrong, with some attempts at an edgy meaningful plot and a twist villian trying to take over the world.
I loved the Gameboy game by a similar name but never tried any other versions, figuring it wouldn't translate well. Sounds like I was right.
To this day, the only thing that has scratched my swinging itch since I was that young kid has been the insomniac Spiderman games.
I got it a couple years after release, out of a sense of nostalgia for the NES game.
It was bad. It really didn't have much going for it. It did so much wrong and so little right.