Doesn't easyeffects preset autoloading already offer that? I have auto-mute off since I leave the headphones plugged in all the time, but switching output manually triggers my preset change.
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For some reason it didn't work for me. I added my desired profiles to the EasyEffects "Presets Autoloading" window, but when I plug/unplug my headphones it doesn't load the desired profile. I'll try to check in another computer if it works there. Maybe I have some misconfiguration. Thanks! :)
It is a bit odd to set up since the selector only shows the device and not the output. You might have to plug the headphones in before you choose and set the preset for headphone output. This is what mine looks like.
I remember doing this with dbus but I can't find that set-up anymore. This stackoverflow answer looks a bit more elegant:
A little script could run your command when matching the jack/headphone
events from acpi_listen
Cool, I need to check this. Thanks!