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There is a SW Battlefront that is a month old?
They remastered the 2004/2005 Pandemic ones and apparently did a fucking terrible job of it
Did they really? I just looked it up and it looks exactly the same... It seems like it's just a rerelease but like why? Weren't there still people playing the original battlefront 2 with mods and shit?
I could totally see why there would be a market for it with updated online functionality, a graphical refresh, and a balance pass. The games are still really fun, but their age does make it a little bit of a hassle to play them compared to more modern counterparts. They could also have added a few things like making galactic conquest mode playable online, and maybe some mod management, for example. I'd have been pretty tempted by that. Unfortunately what they did instead seems to have been steal some stuff from a modder and bugger all else
Yeah I'd love that. I honestly still play the PS2 version from time to time just to play galactic conquest
It's not a remaster. It's just a repackaging and rerelease. As per usual with Aspyr's work they did the bare minimum, if you can even consider it that
Thats pretty brutal.
~~Does anyone know why this is?~~
Edit: Never mind. From the article...
has been met with poor reviews due to its price and performance. As a result, the FPS game’s player count is dwindling quickly, now dipping below 100 Steam users.
It was a horrid mess of a lazy release, also stole content from modders.
I’m sure they’ll use this to say people don’t want to buy old games rather than admit they did a shit job and wanted to make bank for it.
The Darkforces remaster looks to be amazing though. I’ll be picking that up at some stage, can’t justify a $43 price tag for a 30 year old title so I’ll wait for a sale.
Poor performance? It's a PS2 Game, how can it have poor performance.
The net code is really bad. You see opponents teleport all over the place making the act of aiming and shooting, unfun.
I didn't even know this was out, so lack of marketing may be an issue as well.
What the hell it's been a month??
Felt like close to 20 years to me...
Just like the simulations
I just want to play Galactic Conquest via LAN or online.