Epic Games Store Subreddit

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founded 2 years ago
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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Technical_Use9004 on 2024-01-02 14:57:53.

Guys, u know these r the last days of sale, and I am sooo much confused to buy it. I am loving that its a historical era game, among other things. But also, some are saying its not for everyone, and too long to start, and feels boring soon. Is this all true? I mean I just want your genuine opinions on this to make a choice. Would appreciate your responses!

P.S. I am already buying 2 games, so obviously i would be pushing on my budget for this one, which is already tight. So that's why really need to tk know what I am buying.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Commander_Zer0 on 2023-12-31 22:37:37.

What are some gems under $20 (with coupon) from the sale. Smaller and older titles that aren't talked about as much that would work well with the coupon. Thought this would be fun and helpful as the sale comes to a close.

Showgunners - Great price on another tactical turned based game released this year. (free Demo on Steam)

Turbo Overkill - "boomer Shooter" but give it a shot. I am not a boomer shooter guy and I found my self having a great time with it. (Free Demo on Steam)

Warhammer 40K Daemonhunters - It's a complete steal at this price with the coupon. Turn based tactical in the vein of X-Com. Even if you're not into Warhammer its worth it to check it out.

Aliens Dark Descent- Tactical RTS game... best price around with coupon.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Volkor_X on 2023-12-31 18:55:28.

This mod is supposed to drop at 9 PM GMT today.


ABZU (B: Works Well)

Adios (Unknown)

Ark: Survival Evolved (Unknown)

Aven Colony (A: Works Perfectly)

Blair Witch (A: Works Perfectly)

Blazing Sails (A: Works Perfectly)

Borderlands 3 (D: Works Poorly)

Breathedge (B: Works Well)

Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons (Unknown)

Call of the Sea (B: Works Well)

City of Brass (B: Works Well)

Close to the Sun (B: Works Well)

Daemon X Machina (A: Works Perfectly)

Dead by Daylight – Private Server (A: Works Perfectly)

Deliver Us Mars (A: Works Perfectly)

Divine Knockout (Unknown)

DNF Duel (C: Works OK)

Dodo Peak (Unknown)

Evil Dead The Game (A: Works Perfectly)

Eximus: Seize the Frontline (Unknown)

F.I.S.T. Forged in Shadow Torch (B: Works Well)

First Class Trouble (Unknown)

Gamedec (B: Works Well)

Ghostrunner (A: Works Perfectly)

Ghostwire Tokyo (B: Works Well)

Gigabash (Unknown)

Godfall (C: Works OK)

Hello Neighbour (Unknown)

Hood Outlaws and Legends (Unknown)

Just Die Already (Unknown)

Kao the Kangaroo (B: Works Well)

Layers of Fear (Unknown)

Layers of Fear 2 (Unknown)

Maneater (C: Works OK)

Midnight Ghost Hunt (A: Works Perfectly)

Mordhau (A: Works Perfectly)

Mortal Shell (A: Works Perfectly)

Mothergunship (Unknown)

Observer (I didn’t pick up this one, but if System Redux version: B Works Well)

Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition (D: Works Poorly)

Predecessor (A: Works Perfectly)

Q.U.B.E. 2 (Unknown)

Relicta (Unknown)

Remnant: From the Ashes (B: Works Well)

Rime (B: Works Well)

Ruiner (B: Works Well)

Severed Steel (A: Works Perfectly)

Shenmue 3 (B: Works Well)

Soulstice (D: Works Poorly)

Spirit of the North (Unknown, but Enhanced Edition is A: Works Perfectly)

Submerged Hidden Depths (B: Works Well)

Supraland (Unknown)

Tandem a Tale of Shadows (A: Works Perfectly)

Vampyr (A: Works Perfectly)

What Remains of Edith Finch (B: Works Well)

Example of the mod in use:

The grades are from UEVR testers:

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/MeguminShiro on 2024-01-02 16:11:37.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/AkatsukiEUNE on 2024-01-02 11:25:01.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/helioz10 on 2024-01-02 08:32:12.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/MeguminShiro on 2024-01-01 16:24:35.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Cord_Cutter_VR on 2024-01-01 16:10:11.

This is the mega thread for all leaks, speculations, and guesses about the upcoming mystery game. This is for the new mystery gift for tomorrow, we will see the wrapping paper in 50 minutes from the time this post is created. Feel free to comment with an image of the wrapping paper.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/terasenpai on 2023-12-31 16:25:40.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Cord_Cutter_VR on 2023-12-31 16:10:09.

This is the mega thread for all leaks, speculations, and guesses about the upcoming mystery game. This is for the new mystery gift for tomorrow, we will see the wrapping paper in 50 minutes from the time this post is created. Feel free to comment with an image of the wrapping paper.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Cord_Cutter_VR on 2023-12-30 16:10:09.

This is the mega thread for all leaks, speculations, and guesses about the upcoming mystery game. This is for the new mystery gift for tomorrow, we will see the wrapping paper in 50 minutes from the time this post is created. Feel free to comment with an image of the wrapping paper.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Goldln on 2023-12-30 16:09:34.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/FrankWesker on 2023-12-29 20:00:13.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Cord_Cutter_VR on 2023-12-29 16:10:10.

This is the mega thread for all leaks, speculations, and guesses about the upcoming mystery game. This is for the new mystery gift for tomorrow, we will see the wrapping paper in 50 minutes from the time this post is created. Feel free to comment with an image of the wrapping paper.

Check at for the mystery image.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/MeguminShiro on 2023-12-29 16:05:43.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/alcalde on 2023-12-29 09:10:52.

A few days ago I suggested that we could write a Python program to scrape all the Epic Game Store game images, yada yada a couple lines of Python and predict what the mystery games would be based on the colors in the gift wrap images.

I haven't checked my Reddit messages in quite a while and I've got 98 replies waiting, so I don't know if anyone bit on that idea or not. If you replied to me, I'm sorry I didn't read it yet - hopefully tomorrow.

Anyway, I've been working on this idea since circa Christmas Eve - and when I say working, I mean like full time most days. :-( This project took me down so many rabbit holes - discovering the simple-looking Epic website is essentially unparseable and somehow 110% Javascript, writing code to parse a giant 179Kb JSON text blob embedded in their web pages to get the actual game data, learning about color spaces and what the heck the AVIF format is they save the mystery game image in, quantizing images, the wonders and the limitations of SQLite, adding multiprocessing to the program since I had to rerun the scraping routine about 200,000 times give or take 200,000, diagnosing problems introduced by said multiprocessing, dealing with SQLite write-ahead log options, tweaking scoring algorithms for an entire day, my basement flooding inbetween, being almost driven to tears ("I KNOW this scoring algorithm worked yesterday!") to finally discover after an entire day that a single character added to an SQL string during my process of refactoring and "improving" my scoring didn't throw an error but changed my scoring in unpredictable ways... etc., etc. This was so stressful that I found myself on breaks playing the giveaway game Human Resource Machine (essentially assembly language puzzles) for FUN since it was so much less complicated than my challenge...

...and yet I swear that when you take away the comments and import statements and some housekeeping it's still somehow just a couple of dozen lines of Python.

I've tested my code on a few of the giveaways and found it could guess the game within its top 25-39 guesses... except for Cat Quest. However, changing a scoring option made Cat Quest its #3 guess, but this ruined the accuracy of the other three games I was testing on. Honestly, I think they should have gone with blue and yellow for the Cat Quest image (interestingly, what the newest image is - I wonder if they reversed them by mistake?)

Tomorrow I need to build a test suite of all the giveaway images and programmatically test them while iterating some of my scoring algorithm's adjustable parameters and see what yields the best result. And I also might, if I'm suicidal, revisit the web scraping portion of my program and see if each game is on sale or not and throw out those, since the free games are almost, if not totally, never on sale.

In the meantime, I ran my program on the newest mystery gift box image using both variants, then I used my Mark I eyeballs to whittle down the collected results to 20. Of course, with my luck it'll turn out to be one of the ones I threw out. :-)

Since by the time I finally get this program refined enough to fully trust the giveaways will be over, I'm posting my best guesses here. Maybe some of y'all have some suggestions or questions too; I'll try to answer them.

Here's my best guesses for tomorrow... assuming they didn't reverse the last two clues by mistake. And that I didn't accidentally throw out the right game. And that the current mystery box is a good clue in a first place (not all game logos easily boil down to two or three colors!).

Am I right? Probably not.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Day-Connect on 2023-12-28 21:55:11.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/mumukushu on 2023-12-28 21:41:00.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Cord_Cutter_VR on 2023-12-28 16:10:13.

This is the mega thread for all leaks, speculations, and guesses about the upcoming mystery game. This is for the new mystery gift for tomorrow, we will see the wrapping paper in 50 minutes from the time this post is created. Feel free to comment with an image of the wrapping paper.

Check at for the mystery image.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/MeguminShiro on 2023-12-28 16:07:39.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/thoax on 2023-12-28 15:55:45.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/LambBrainz on 2023-12-26 20:11:12.

Hello all! I created one of the first game-grabbing scripts way back in February of 2020 GitHub link. It got some good traction, worked for a while, then Epic instituted a lot of captcha garbage that made it basically impossible to get around. I got busy, and ultimately abandoned the project.

Recently I got bored and noticed that the desktop app doesn't do any captcha stuff and let's you do everything without asking for further validation (similar to how the web app used to work). So after about an hour or so, I've almost got this thing grabbing games again. The GIF below shows a demo of it logging in without issue and I'll be posting the work-in-progress code to this new repo: . So be on the lookout if you still care and there isn't some better option I'm missing!

GIF of the script logging into the desktop app

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/Cord_Cutter_VR on 2023-12-27 16:10:09.

This is the mega thread for all leaks, speculations, and guesses about the upcoming mystery game. This is for the new mystery gift for tomorrow, we will see the wrapping paper in 50 minutes from the time this post is created. Feel free to comment with an image of the wrapping paper.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/MeguminShiro on 2023-12-27 16:08:00.

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The original was posted on /r/epicgamespc by /u/tubonjics1 on 2023-12-23 16:47:44.

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